About Us


*Live well, have good health, and lead a good life.

Mewinzha Ondaadiziike Wiigaming provides Anishinaabe-led maternal child health and family wellness services to community members in northern Minnesota.
  • Culturally Safe Care​ – We provide health services that are representative and reflective of the journey and stories of our community members and our strength as Anishinaabe.
  • Honor Choice​ – While we offer both culturally-relevant and western health services, we honor all practices and prioritize a person’s right to choose their own healthcare.
  • Commitment to Lifelong Learning​ – We create space where we learn from each other, as well as from our Elders and Knowledge Keepers. And, we have fun in the process.
  • Wellness​ – We strive for wellness within ourselves and for our communities. We do this by honoring each person’s needs and supporting the ways we each need care respectfully.